The GTLC is a highly selective organization. The courses are long and highly technical. The Enjoy Sport Infinty team is at the helm, still with Christophe Libin as Ambassador and Advisor, creator of this international event which celebrated its 10th anniversary at the last edition. In 2021, a new look with the same embarrassments and distances accessible to all.
5 races, 100% nature, 4 of which are among the qualifiers for theUTMB®, the famous Ultra Trail du Mont-Blanc®. But what's exceptional is that we hold the very first Belgian qualifying race with 6 points. Not to be outdone, the GT160 is now in the big league, among the 68 most difficult races in the world. The icing on the cake of this extraordinary trail is a few cultural detours and breathtaking views, both literally and figuratively! Un nоuvеаu lіеu, un sіtе unіquе dе Trаіl, start and finish at the Ovifat ski slope.